The Aquilegia Plant (Common Name Columbine) produces an almost infinite number of variations that are great in cottage or semi wild settings, and the vast majority will do well in sun or shady positions.
Aquilegia appreciates deep, rich soil, although they will grow in clay, whilst alpine types favor well-drained loam. When planting out, work in extra humus from the garden compost bin. You can mulch with the same material.
Aguilegia plants seed themselves rapidly, so unless you remove seed heads before they distribute their contents you will find them springing up everywhere. Personally I quite like the semi wild look they give, and if I find them growing where they should I simply dig them up an move them somewhere else.
Aquilegias that are self sown look truly picturesque planted amongst garden shrubs. However, Aquilegia Plants cross breed readily and plants almost never look like the parent plant. If you want to retain the originally color deadhead shortly after flowering, and save the the seed to sow the following year.
They infinite combination of colors they provide is stunning and it is interesting to see what colors are produced from these dainty plants. They are a wonderful addition for the butterfly garden.
Unfortunately the Aquilegia Plant is not particularly long lived, with the main flowering season being May to July depending on your location. If you want to raise them from seed, sow them in early spring for the best results.
This is a gorgeous, easy to grow spring blooming perennial and the blue-green foliage provides texture and color in the fall to any of your perennial beds.
The combination of colors and shortness ensure that this Biedermeir Columbine stands out from all the others. Growing to a height of approximately 12" and with a spread of 18-24” this is one aquilegia you won’t want to be without.
This plant needs to be planted in full sun to partial shade in fertile, moist well-drained soil. It is a profuse self-seeder so should be planted 12-18” apart. It looks great used in rock gardens or in containers as well as flower beds and borders. A great plant for attracting butterflies.
The Columbine Blue Barlow produces interesting double, dahlia-like blooms that are blue-violet and lack the typical columbine spurs that nod gracefully above compact foliage during the late spring.
This plant grows to 24" tall and wide. Deadheading of this plant is encouraged to extend the blooming season.
The Blue Barlow is rabbit and deer resistant and has the added benefit of attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
This Aquilegia plant is an Origami Blue and White. It is a new hybrid which provides upto 3 months of blooms. The exquisite heavenly blue blooms face upward exhibiting their natural splendor in the garden.
The magnificent colors are excellent close to the front of beds and borders. They may be planted individually, in tiny clumps, or merged together in groups to create a spectacular explosion of color.
Known to tolerate a diverse range of soils with the exception of heavy, poorly drained ones. Prefering rich, moist soils with light to moderate shade.
Once the flowers have bloomed flowering should be removed to encourage further blooms. Soils should be kept evenly moist after blooming to extend eye-catching foliage appearance. As soon as the foliage depreciates, these plants can be cut to the ground.
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