Floribunda Roses For Colorful Blooms Throughout The Summer And Fall

Floribunda Roses are regarded as one of the best for providing color in the backgarden. Many gardeners love this rose as it offers an abundance of flowers with long-lasting blooms. They can be are used for landscaping a hedge or just to accent the landscape. Some have a more intense fragrance than the majority of roses, and they have a delicate appearance.

Floribunda Roses are distinguished from Hybrid Teas mainly because they bear their flowers in large, dense clusters or trusses with a lot of blooms opening at the same time in each truss. The flowers are generally rather less perfect compared to those of Hybrid Tea roses.

There is no doubt that the ever increasing popularity of the Floribunda is a direct result of their stunning beauty, and the sheer range of colors that are found in modern day varieties, along with their recurring flowering habit.

So, what exactly is a floribunda?

Despite the fact that numerous varieties have been developed, a floribunda is a hybrid rose that was originally a cross between a Polyanthas and a Hybrid tea rose.

The floribunda tends to grow lower, which can be a positive feature. Widely known as a cluster rose, the floribunda can tolerate a variety of weather and soil conditions where many other roses would find it difficult.

You will find that Floribunda Roses are going to be far healthier if they have good air circulation; so when pruning, it helps if you leave the center of the bush open.

If you leave older canes when pruning, you will be compensated with larger amounts of color later on. Always, make sure to clear away canes where they rub against another. Pruning your rose will aid air circulation, and help to minimize insects and disease as well.

Floribundas that are grown in pots need a lot of root space, decent drainage, and should be sufficiently heavy to withstand strong winds.

Some interesting names of existing floribundas are: Playboy, Playgirl, Pure Poetry, Eye Paint, French Lace, Show Biz, Cherish, and Trumpeter.

Rose Vavoom

The Rose Vavoom produces exceptional bright orange blossoms. The fully double blossoms are medium sized and ruffled, The Vavoom has dark green leaves on a rounded compact plant.

This rose is fragrant and produces a somewhat spicy fragrance. Spent blooms can be removed to encourage re-bloom. In the spring remove old canes and dead or diseased wood, and cut back canes that cross.

Judy Garland Rose

The 'Judy Garland' Floribunda Rose provides remarkable colorful, cupped, double, and light scented roses that are chrome yellow, blushing to hot orange and scarlet.

This is an extremely extraordinary rose with excellent healthy growth and is disease resistance. A repeat bloomer, it is an outstanding performer.

As it blooms in flushes all season long the 'Judy Garland' rose delivers a mild, strong, apple, rose fragrance. The flowers hold wonderfully on the plant, and when cut, they create an attractive bouquet.

Anytime a bed of 'Judy Garland' roses are planted in the back garden, they will certainly catch the attention of people who view the colorful display.

In spring one should clear away old canes and dead or diseased wood, and cut back canes that cross. In milder climates, scale back the remaining canes by approximately one-third.

The Rose 'Easy Going' produces golden yellow flowers on a bushy plant. It is a repeat bloomer which means it blooms in spring, summer and fall.

The yellow blooms are large and have a tendency to appear in clusters.' Easy Going' possesses a fruity fragrance, and the the yellow blooms truly stand apart from the bright green foliage. This mature rose will grow to approximately 3 to 4 feet in height and have a nicely rounded habit.

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Floribunda Roses

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