Using A Professional Lawn Care Services Company Will Ensure Your Lawn Looks Great All Year

If you would like a great looking lawn but lack the time or motivation to make it a reality, you may want to consider using a company offering lawn care services.

There are a host of national and local companies that offer a variety of services to help maintain your lawn, with options for services from once or twice year treatments to complete lawn care including mowing and trimming.

However be sure of the company’s reputation before signing any contract to ensure that you get what exactly what you are after.

There are many lawn care companies that offer the entire a la carte menu of services, whilst there are others that are strictly lawn cutting only. If you are looking to make sure your grass is thick and green and free of weeds, simply cutting it will not make it happen.

Obtaining a referral from a close neighbor or satisfied customer is one way to make sure the lawn care company is a reputable one and that performs as expected.

Landscaping Is Not The Same As Lawn Care

A number of landscaping companies also provide lawn care services, and many of them have the experience and resources to perform both very well. However, all too often a landscaper may use someone who is not qualified in lawn care, so you may not see the desired results.

Companies that specialize in lawn care have to know when and how to seed and fertilize, as well as what pesticides to use to get rid of pests while keeping friendly insects in the yard.

You can also stipulate that the company use only organic materials on the garden so as to reduce the amount of chemicals on the grass. This is of particular importance for families with children or pets that play in the garden.

Reducing dangerous chemicals should be considered a priority, so you will want to follow up with the company to make certain you are receiving the organic treatment you are paying for and not a mixture of organic and synthetic materials.

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