Prevention is Better Than Care When Dealing With Lawn Fungus
Lawn Fungus are just one of many issues that are of concern to the gardener when dealing with lawn care. Yellow grass is often the most noticeable sign of fungus, although it can also be due to insects, chemical or gasoline spills, dog urine, disease, close cutting, or just poor lawn maintenance in general.
Once you have properly assessed the situation, and have determined that the problem does in fact lie with fungus then you will have to take the appropriate steps to resolve the problem.
To deal with fungus and many other common lawn problems, fungicide is often the most suitable option. There are three different types of fungicides that are readily available: contact fungicides, systemic fungicides, and penetrant fungicides. Contact fungicides are those which are applied and then remain on the plant's surface and kill spores that come in contact with it.
Systemic fungicides are those which are applied to the leaves and then move throughout the plants circulation system to protect against disease, and the penetrant fungicides are those which are most similar to systemic types but which are different in that they act more as a sort of preventative treatment in order to stop the growth of pathogens.
There are a number of different types of lawn fungus that can develop as well, the most common being: snowmold, brown patch, dollar spot, fairy rings, rust, grease spot, powdery mildew, pyhtium blight, rusarium blight, and leafspot-melting out.
Dr. Earth Disease Control Natural and Organic Fungicide is ready-to-spray with a hose-end applicator.
It provides year-round disease control, and is also a protective dormant spray. Use to control diseases on vegetables, fruit and nut trees, grapes, berries, turf, ornamentals, trees, shrubs, roses and lawns.
Controls powdery mildew, rust, black spot, peach leaf curl, shot hole, leaf blotch, scab, dollar spot, brown rot, fusarium blight, botrytis, downy mildew, anthracnose, phytophthora blight and other plant diseases.
If you are not very knowledgeable in the area of lawn care then you may want to call in a professional to deal with your fungus problem for you.
That way they will be in a position to correctly assess the situation , and determine what specific type of fungus you are dealing with, and what the best method of treatment is going to be. It is very important to tackle lawn problems as quickly as possible in order to give the grass time to grow back healthy.
Keep in mind that preventative measures are the most important, so once you have the present situation under control, rather than just leaving it until afterwards, you will want to ensure that you continue proper maintenance in order to prevent a re-occurrence of the fungus.
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