Viburnum Shrubs

Viburnum shrubs provide a bewildering assortment of shapes and sizes, and as there is no standard leaf form or flower head pattern it can be quite confusing for the gardener.

These shrubs can be grouped into winter flowering, spring flowering and fall ones carrying berries.

Viburnum are hardy and pretty easy to grow. They will do well in chalky soil and require little pruning so are great for a low maintenance garden.

They can be propagated by layering the branches in the fall or planting semi ripe ones under glass during the summertime

Viburnum - Summer Snowflake...

Viburnum plicatum 'Summer Snowflake', is a compact, dense, upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub which typically matures 3' to 5' tall with a similar spread.

During the springtime, 'Summer Snowflake' will bloom with clusters of white flowers that follow along the horizontal stems, creating a double row of blooms on each side. This bloom pattern gives 'Summer Snowflake' its common name, doublefile viburnum.

The non-fragrant, lovely white flowers are almost continuous throughout the summer. It has dark green oval leaves that can reach up to five inches long.

The foliage turns a rusty red to bronze in the early fall, and the flowers give way to bright red berries that are relished by wildlife.

Summer Snowflake is easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers moist loams, but tolerates wide range of soils and has good drought tolerance.

Prune as needed immediately after flowering. For best cross-pollination and resulting fruit display, shrubs can be planted in groups rather than as single specimens.

Viburnum - Onondaga...

Viburnum - Onondaga

Viburnum, viburnum sargentii 'Onondaga', has young velvety foliage that is dark maroon in color, maturing to deep green with a purple tinge. The creamy white flat-topped flowers are 5" across with maroon centers.

The multi-stemmed viburnum shrub produces sparse small red fruits that can reach 6 feet in height amd width, making it an excellent screen or shrub border plant.

It requires full sun to full shade and prefers moist, well-drained soils of average fertility in full sun.

‘Onondaga’ requires more watering than most viburnum, but develops into an excellent multi-season interest flowering shrub. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds.

Viburnum is amongst the most remarkable group of shrubs for use in the garden landscape as they are hardy and resistant to serious pests.

Viburnum - Fragrant...

Viburnum Shrub

Viburnum Fragrant, Viburnum X juddii, is a hardy, medium sized deciduous shrub with a rounded form. Its beautiful clusters of fragrant pinkish-white blossoms appear in late spring. ‘Fragrant’ is one of the most elegant of flowering shrubs that will give you pleasure for many years to come.

The dark green foliage, together with its black fruit and purple color during fall, will provide you with many seasons of interest.

These Viburnum shrubs are easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. 'Fragrant' Viburnum prefers moist loams, but tolerates a wide range of soils. This plant performs well as shrub borders, foundations, hedges, or screens. Pruning is best carried out immediately after flowering.

You can group this viburnum with large flowering shrubs, such as lilacs and rhododendron, for an outstanding addition for your garden..

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Viburnum Shrubs

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